  1. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
  2. Evolution & Ecology Centre and School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  3. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  4. Department of Biological Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA
  5. Institute for Ecology and Evolution, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
  6. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, CW 405, Biological Sciences Building, Edmonton, Canada

*Corresponding author:


In the manuscript, “Repeatability and intra-class correlations from time-to-event data: towards a standardized approach” we describe a method to quantify variances and intra-class correlations (repeatability) from time-to-event data. In this supplementary materials page we demonstrate the use of this method with real data in 3 worked examples. We additionally provide the data and code used in the case study section of the manuscript. Lastly, we present the methods and results for a simulation study to illustrate the relationship among model estimates (beta, random effect variance and intra-class correlation values) derived from 4 different models and implementations run on data simulated with varying random effect variance, time intervals, and amount of censored data.

Worked Examples

Time-to-event data range widely in the number of individuals (or other cluster variable) as well as the number of repeated measures on each individual. Furthermore, the presence and amount of censored data can vary. We use openly available data to present 3 worked examples that vary in model parameters, sample sizes and amount of censoring. The first example involves models that do not include fixed effects, but include one random effect. In the second example, the models included 1 fixed effect and 1 random effect, while the third example involves 1 fixed effect and 2 random effects.

Example 1: Frog aggression towards a simulated intruder

Our first example data set is from Peignier et al. 2022. They investigated whether A. femoralis frogs show repeatable aggressive behavior by measuring the latency of territorial males to approach a simulated intruder. Their sample size included 51 males with 3.2 \(\pm\) 1.31 trials each. Censored data are present (6% of trials) because some males did not approach the simulated intruder. These individuals were given a ceiling value of 300 seconds (the longest trial time). To evaluate repeatability, the authors log-transformed this variable and used the Gaussian family in the rpt function (Stoffel et al. 2017).

In this first worked example, we give a high level of detail on the methods and model types described in the paper. In the subsequent examples, we present the data and run the analysis while elaborating less on the intermediary or alternative steps.

# Data from Peignier et al. 2022
fdata = read.csv("")
fdata = fdata[which(fdata$sex == "m"),c(1,2,9)] # Only males participated in the aggression test, we only need columns for ID, repetition and latency to approach the simulated intruder. Authors did not include fixed effects, so we won't either.
fdata = fdata[!$jump_s),] # Unclear what the NAs represent, but the authors remove these data, so we will too.
fdata$event = ifelse(fdata$jump_s==300, 0,1) # Create event column that indicates whether the event occurred or data were censored for that trial.

##           ID repetition jump_s event
## 1  i16-m-018          1     17     1
## 2  i16-m-018          2    300     0
## 3  i16-m-018          3      3     1
## 4  i16-m-018          4     49     1
## 5  i16-m-059          1      4     1
## 6  i18-m-001          1      5     1
## 7  i18-m-009          1      5     1
## 8  i18-m-009          2      4     1
## 9  i18-m-009          3     11     1
## 10 i18-m-009          4      6     1

This is a classic (un-exploded) format for animal personality data.

ICC from the coxme function with the classic data set

We will first conduct a Cox proportional hazards model using the coxme package in R (Therneau, 2022). The coxme function is able to estimate multiple random effects, as well as random slopes. We included a random effect for individual identity as in Equation 3 of the main text, except that there are no fixed effects in this frog model. In this model specification, the response variable is a “survival” object that combines latency to jump (“jump_s”) and the event indicator.

## Loading required package: survival
## Loading required package: bdsmatrix
## Attaching package: 'bdsmatrix'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     backsolve
c1 = coxme(Surv(jump_s,event)~1+(1|ID), data = fdata)

var <- VarCorr(c1)$ID[[1]] # Random effect variance

We can now estimate the ICC using Equation 7 from the main text. Because of the equivalence of a mixed-effects Cox proportional hazards model with the binomial generalized linear mixed-effects model with the clog-log link, Equation 7 uses the random effect variance from the Cox model and the binomial GLMM distribution-specific residual variance estimator (Nakagawa et al. 2017).

var/(var + pi^2/6)
## [1] 0.1948825
# Original paper reports a repeatabiltiy of 0.24 (CI: 0.07-0.40)

This yields an ICC value of 0.19.

We created two R functions to estimate the p-value and a confidence interval for time-to-event ICCs calculated using coxme.

# Define the function
# missing values ignored

#' @title comxe_pval
#' @description This function calculates the p-value of the effect of the random effect in a coxme model. It also provides the p-value of the effect of the random effect using a bootstrapped method.
#' @param model A coxme model object
#' @param data The original data used to fit the model
#' @param boot Number of simulations to run to produce 95 percent confidence intervals for I2. Default is \code{NULL}, where only the point estimate is provided. We recommend users choose between 1000 - 10000 simulations
#' @return A vector of p-values
#' @author Shinichi Nakagawa -
#' @author etc

coxme_pval <- function(model, data, boot = NULL) {
  # Get the original data
  if(all(class(model) %in% c("coxme")) == FALSE) {stop("Sorry, you need to fit a coxme model of class coxme")}
  # I think we need to use get the dimension of the data

  response <-$y[,1:2])
  fixed_formula <- as.formula(model$formulaList$fixed)
  # fit the model without any random effects
  fit <- survival::coxph(as.formula(fixed_formula), data = data)
  # loglikelihood ratio test
  # this is p value of effect of taking all random effects
  pval<- anova(fit, model)$P[-1]
  names(pval) <- "liklihood_ratio_test"
  # we need to use replicate to create many vectors of these - randomize the data
  orders <- replicate(boot, sample(1:nrow(response)))  
  fixed_formula <- as.character(fixed_formula)  
  random_formula <-  as.vector(as.character(model$formulaList$random))        
  formula <- as.formula(paste("Surv(new_time, new_status)", 
                           paste(random_formula, collapse = "+")))
  data2 <- data

  # randomizaton/permutation tests
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = boot,
                                 format = "Bootstrapping [:bar] :percent ETA: :eta",
                                 show_after = 0)

  # loop
  num <- length(summary(model)$random$variance)

  store <- matrix(NA, nrow = num, ncol = boot)

  # Loop over the number of bootstraps
  for (i in 1:boot) {
  # Permute the data

  data2$new_time <- response$time[orders[ ,i]]
  data2$new_status <- response$status[orders[ ,i]]

  # Fit the original coxme model
  temp  <- tryCatch(coxme(formula, data = data2))

  # get variance component
   store[ ,i] <- summary(temp)$random$variance

   Sys.sleep(1 / boot)

  # getting the p value
   pval2 <- sapply(1:num, function(x) {
     sum(store[x,] > summary(model)$random$variance[x])/boot}
   names(pval2) <- paste(rep("bootstrapped_pval", num), 1:num, sep = "_")

  if(exists("pval2")) {
  res <- c(pval, pval2)
  } else {
  res <- pval


#' @title coxme_icc_ci
#' @description This function calculates the 95 percent confidence interval for the intraclass correlation from the `coxme` objects.
#' @param model A coxme model object
#' @param upper.multiplier The multiplier for the upper bound of the confidence interval. Default is 10 (adjust to a higer value if the upper bound is not reached).
#' @return A vector of the lower, point estimate, and upper bounds of the 95 percent confidence interval for the intraclass correlation
#' @author Shinichi Nakagawa -
#' @author etc

coxme_icc_ci <- function(model, upper.multiplier = 10) {
  if(all(class(model) %in% c("coxme")) == FALSE)
    {stop("Sorry, you need to fit a coxme model of class coxme")} 
  if(any(length(summary(model)$random$variance) > 1)) {stop("Sorry. At the moment, we can only have a model with one random effect.")}
  # Define a sequence of variance values``
  # the length of the response
  n <- nrow(model$y)
  cut = 100
  var_point <- summary(model)$random$variance
  # based on this pdf:
  # upper CI is limited to var_point*(10*log(n)) - so this could fail
  estvar1 <- seq(0.00000000000001, var_point, length = cut)
  estvar2 <- seq(var_point, var_point*upper.multiplier, length = cut+1)[-1]
  estvar <- c(estvar1, estvar2)
  # Initialize a vector to store the log-likelihood values
  loglik <- double(cut)
  # Loop over the variance values
  for (i in seq_len(cut*2)) {
    # Fit a coxme model with fixed variance
    tfit <- update(model, vfixed = estvar[i])
    # Compute the log-likelihood
    loglik[i] <- 2 * diff(tfit$loglik)[1]
  # Compute the threshold for the 95% confidence interval
  temp <-  as.numeric(2 * diff(model$loglik)[1]) - loglik
  # Find the variance values that correspond to the threshold
  # getting lower and upper CI using profile likelihood
  lower <- approx(temp[1:(cut)], sqrt(estvar[1:(cut)]), qchisq(.95, 1))$y
  upper <- approx(temp[(cut + 1):(2*cut)], sqrt(estvar[(cut + 1):(2*cut)]), qchisq(.95, 1))$y
  # Return the 95% confidence interval
  ICC_lower <- lower^2 / (lower^2 + pi^2 / 6)
  if ( {
    ICC_lower <- 0
  ICC_point <- var_point / (var_point + pi^2 / 6)
  ICC_upper <- upper^2 / (upper^2 + pi^2 / 6)
  names(ICC_lower) <- "lower"
  names(ICC_point) <- "ICC"
  names(ICC_upper) <- "upper"
  return(c(ICC_lower, ICC_point, ICC_upper))
coxme_pval(c1,fdata,boot=10000) # as there were no fixed effects in our model, the likelihood ratio test returns an NA value. Took 6 minutes with 10,000 simulations
## liklihood_ratio_test  bootstrapped_pval_1 
##                   NA                9e-04
coxme_icc_ci(c1, upper.multiplier = 10) # confidence interval and ICC estimate
##      lower        ICC      upper 
## 0.06143739 0.19488246 0.36584291

ICC from coxme with an exploded data set

To check the equivalence in time-to-event ICC values between Cox proportional hazards models and binomial GLMM, we need a data set that includes discrete time intervals. This is referred to as an “exploded” data set (see Fig. 1 in the main text) and we can use the function survSplit in the survival package (Therneau, 2024) to easily transform the data. In a simulation study (see below), we found no difference in model estimates or ICC values when we used 2 or 4 time intervals for the exploded data sets.

# decide on the intervals
##    vars   n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## X1    1 163 53.16 92.25     10   29.18 10.38   1 300   299 2.02      2.5 7.23
fdata_int = survSplit(Surv(jump_s,event) ~ repetition+ID, data = fdata, 
                      cut = 150, start = "tstart",end = "tstop") # two time intervals

##    repetition        ID tstart tstop event
## 1           1 i16-m-018      0    17     1
## 2           2 i16-m-018      0   150     0
## 3           2 i16-m-018    150   300     0
## 4           3 i16-m-018      0     3     1
## 5           4 i16-m-018      0    49     1
## 6           1 i16-m-059      0     4     1
## 7           1 i18-m-001      0     5     1
## 8           1 i18-m-009      0     5     1
## 9           2 i18-m-009      0     4     1
## 10          3 i18-m-009      0    11     1

In the exploded data set with two time intervals, for each individual and trial we have a time interval that ranges from 0 to 150 and 150 to 300 (the ceiling latency value for this data set). If the event occurs, the tstop value represents the time at which the frog approaches the speaker.

Now we can compare the Cox model output between the classic and the exploded data set. The response variable is again a “survival” object, but now combines the start and stop time of the interval and the event indicator.

c1_int = coxme(Surv(tstart,tstop,event)~1+(1|ID), data = fdata_int)

var <- VarCorr(c1_int)$ID[[1]]

You can see that the variance estimate for the random effect is the same in both Cox models.

In Equation 5 of the main text we show the calculation for the non-parametric version of the ICC, Kendall’s tau, which assumes a Gamma distribution of the random effect. In addition to being non-parametric, another limitation is that it is not feasible to estimate the non-parametric ICC when there are more than one random effects. We wrote a function to obtain the non-parametric ICC numerically:

# function obtained from

g <- function(w, k, s, sigma2) {
  -k * w + exp(w) * s + w ^ 2 /  (2 * sigma2)

g1 <- function(w, k, s, sigma2) {
  -k + exp(w) * s + w / sigma2

g2 <- function(w, k, s, sigma2) {
  exp(w) * s + 1 / sigma2    

Lapl <- Vectorize(function(s, k, sigma2) {
  # Find wTilde = max(g(w)) so that g'(wTilde; k, s, theta) = 0
  WARN <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  wTilde <- optimize(f = g, c(-1e10, 1e10), maximum = FALSE,
                     k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2)$minimum
  options(warn = WARN)
  # Approximate the integral via Laplacian method
  res <- (-1) ^ k * 
    exp(-g(w = wTilde, k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2)) /
    sqrt(sigma2 * g2(w = wTilde, k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2))
}, 's')

intTau <- Vectorize(function(x, intTau.sigma2=sigma2) {
  res <- x * 
    Lapl(s = x, k = 0, sigma2 = intTau.sigma2) *
    Lapl(s = x, k = 2, sigma2 = intTau.sigma2)
}, "x")

fr.lognormal <- function(k,
                         what = "logLT") {
  # if (!(is.numeric(sigma2) && (sigma2 > 0)))
  # stop("The parameter sigma2 is not a positive value.")
  if (what == "logLT") {
    # if (!(is.numeric(s) && (s > 0)))
    #     stop("The parameter s is not positive.")
    # Find wTilde = max(g(w)) so that g'(wTilde; k, s, theta) = 0
    WARN <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    wTilde <- nlm(f = g, p = 0, k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2)$estimate
    options(warn = WARN)
    # Approximate the integral via Laplacian method
    res <- -g(w = wTilde, k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2) -
      log(sigma2 * g2(w = wTilde, k = k, s = s, sigma2 = sigma2)
      ) / 2
  else if (what == "tau") {
    intTau <- Vectorize(function(x, intTau.sigma2=sigma2) {
      res <- x * 
        Lapl(s = x, k = 0, sigma2 = intTau.sigma2) *
        Lapl(s = x, k = 2, sigma2 = intTau.sigma2)
    }, "x")
    tauRes <- 4 * integrate(
      f = intTau, lower = 0, upper = Inf, 
      intTau.sigma2 = sigma2)$value - 1
c1_ph = coxph(Surv(jump_s, event)~1 + frailty(ID, distribution="gamma"), data=fdata)
var <- as.numeric(c1_ph$history$`frailty(ID, distribution = "gamma")`[1]) # Random effect variance is close to that from coxme

fr.lognormal(k,s,var,what = "tau") # non-parametric ICC estimate
## [1] 0.1428707

The non-parametric ICC (\(ICC_{np}\)) estimate for these frog data is 0.14.

ICC from binomial GLMM with the exploded data set

We now demonstrate the use of the binomial GLMM to analyze the exploded survival data. However, we also need to include a column as an identifier of the time interval to include as a fixed effect, which takes the place of the start and stop time from the Cox models.

# we previously told the survSplit function to create 2 intervals by splitting the latency values at 150.
# create column to identify intervals
fdata_int$interval = NA
fdata_int$interval =  ifelse(fdata_int$tstart == 0,1,2)

# Run the binomial glmm model
## Loading required package: Matrix
b1 <- glmer(event ~ as.factor(interval) + (1|ID), data=fdata_int,
                 family = binomial(link="cloglog"), nAGQ=7)
var <- b1@theta^2 # extract the random effect variance from the model output object
var/(var + pi^2/6)
## [1] 0.1291067

The random effect variance from the binomial GLMM is 0.24, and the ICC value using Equation 7 is 0.13.

Example 2: Christmas tree worm re-emergence after a simulated predator attack

Our next example data come from Pezner et al. 2017 They tested the consistency of hiding time (latency to re-emerge from the hole) within and across days, and the impact of the social environment. They tested 30 worms, each received 4 trials within a day and 4 days of sampling for a total of 16 trials per worm. Censored data are not explicitly stated, but there are 5 NA values from 2 individuals that we here assume are censored data (~1% of data). In the original paper, the authors log-transformed the hiding time variable, used a linear mixed model to get variance estimates, then hand-calculated repeatability.

## Load the data
ctw = read.csv("")
# "HT" variable indicates hiding time, or the latency to emerge; "Whorls" is a visual indicator of age

# 2 individuals have NA values, but it is not explained why. 
# For this worked example, we assume these are censored (the worm didn't emerge in the trial time) and give ceiling value of one unit after the highest value
ctw$event = ifelse($HT),0,1) # create the event column
ctw$HT[which($HT))]<- 375 # identify ceiling values

## Coxme with classic data
ctw.cox = coxme(Surv(HT, event) ~ Whorls + (1|Worm_ID), data = ctw)
cox.zph(ctw.cox) # Whorls does change with time, violating the proportional hazards assumption
##        chisq df     p
## Whorls  19.5  1 1e-05
## GLOBAL  19.5  1 1e-05
# use functions for ICC, confidence interval and p-value
coxme_icc_ci(ctw.cox, upper.multiplier = 10) 
##     lower       ICC     upper 
## 0.2189798 0.3286071 0.4758776
coxme_pval(ctw.cox,ctw,boot=10000) # Took 17 minutes to run with 10,000 simulations
## liklihood_ratio_test  bootstrapped_pval_1 
##                    0                    0
## Coxme with exploded data
# decide on the intervals
##    vars   n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## X1    1 475 37.75 57.78     20   24.02 11.86   5 375   370 4.09    18.14 2.65
ctw_int = survSplit(Surv(HT,event) ~ Whorls + Trial_Total + Worm_ID, data = ctw, 
                    cut = c(94,188,282), start = "tstart",end = "tstop") # 4 time intervals = coxme(Surv(tstart,tstop, event)~Whorls + (1|Worm_ID), data=ctw_int)

var <- VarCorr($Worm_ID[[1]]
var/(var + pi^2/6)
## [1] 0.3286071
# Original paper finds that the across-day hiding time repeatability was 0.42

## Binomial glmm model with exploded data 
ctw_int$interval = NA
ctw_int$interval = ifelse(ctw_int$tstart == 0,1,ctw_int$interval)
ctw_int$interval = ifelse(ctw_int$tstart == 94,2,ctw_int$interval)
ctw_int$interval = ifelse(ctw_int$tstart == 188,3,ctw_int$interval)

b2 <- glmer(event ~ as.factor(interval) + Whorls + (1|Worm_ID), data=ctw_int,
                 family = binomial(link="cloglog"), nAGQ=7)
var <- b2@theta^2 # extract the random effect variance from the model output object
var/(var + pi^2/6)
## [1] 0.2633556

Example 3: Repeatability of distance to cache a seed in smalll mammals

Brehm et al. 2019 ( evaluated seed caching behavior in relation to multiple personality traits and habitat characteristics. They offered artificial seeds to several species of small mammals that had reflective flags attached so that, if the individual cached the seed, it could be relocated and the distance from the food platform could be measured. The data include 17 short-tailed shrews, 47 red-backed voles and 46 unique deer mice that cached between 1-14 seeds (mean ± se = 3.9 ± 0.73). Understandably, it can be hard to relocate the cached seeds and so 52% of the caching distances were censored (seeds lost to follow up). For our worked example, we considered the repeatability of caching distance as a function of the fixed effect of silviculture (habitat) treatment, and random effects for individual ID and for species. The original paper did not run this particular analysis.

## Load the data

distmov<-data[-which($RECOVERED..Y.N.)),] # distance the seed is dispersed, only looking at seeds that were removed from the feeding platform
distmov<-subset(distmov, CONS!=1 & REMOVE==1) # remove rows where the seed was consumed close by the feeding platform

dist = distmov[-which(distmov$DIST..MOVED == 0),c(1,3,5,14,17)] #simplify data frame
# the Recovered column is analogous to the event variable in survival analysis. Modify it to be an integer
dist$event = ifelse(dist$RECOVERED..Y.N.== "Y",1,0)
dist$DIST..MOVED[which(dist$RECOVERED..Y.N. == "N")]<-1038 # give ceiling value to NAs
dist = dist[-which($DIST..MOVED)),] # Remove rows where seeds are indicated as recovered, but no distance was listed
table(dist$RECOVERED..Y.N.) # how many cached seeds did they recover (i.e., how much censored data is there?)
##   N   y   Y 
## 130   1 122
# 52% of data are censored

## Coxme with classic data set structure
dist.cox = coxme(Surv(DIST..MOVED, event) ~ TRT + (1|ID) + (1|SPP), data=dist)
cox.zph(dist.cox) # Fixed effect does not violate proportional hazard assumption
##        chisq df    p
## TRT    0.313  2 0.86
## GLOBAL 0.313  2 0.86
var <- VarCorr(dist.cox)$ID[[1]] 
var/(var + pi^2/6) 
## [1] 0.2796251
var2 <- VarCorr(dist.cox)$SPP[[1]] 
var2/(var2 + pi^2/6) 
## [1] 0.1838078
coxme_pval(dist.cox,dist,boot=10000) # bootstrapping: ID p-value < 0.01; SPP p-value < 0.01 
## liklihood_ratio_test  bootstrapped_pval_1  bootstrapped_pval_2 
##          4.87077e-05          0.00000e+00          1.00000e-04
# likelihood ratio test compares the increase in variance explained by the addition of the random effects over the base model with just a fixed effect.
# Took 22 minutes to run with 10,000 simulations
#coxme_icc_ci(dist.cox) # currently this function only works with one random effect

## Explode the data
# Create intervals
##    vars   n   mean     sd median trimmed mad min  max range skew kurtosis    se
## X1    1 253 634.42 446.33   1038   660.1   0   1 1038  1037 -0.3     -1.8 28.06
dist_int = survSplit(Surv(DIST..MOVED, event) ~ TRT + ID + SPP, data = dist, 
                     cut = c(346,692), start = "tstart",end = "tstop",zero=0)

## Cox model and ICC calculation = coxme(Surv(tstart,tstop, event) ~ TRT + (1|ID) + (1|SPP), data=dist_int)
var <- VarCorr($ID[[1]]
var/(var + pi^2/6) 
## [1] 0.2799994
var2 <- VarCorr($SPP[[1]] 
var2/(var2 + pi^2/6) 
## [1] 0.1836764
## Binomial glmm model with exploded data 
dist_int$interval = NA
dist_int$interval = ifelse(dist_int$tstart == 0,1,dist_int$interval)
dist_int$interval = ifelse(dist_int$tstart == 346,2,dist_int$interval)
dist_int$interval = ifelse(dist_int$tstart == 692,3,dist_int$interval)

b3 <- glmer(event ~ as.factor(interval) + TRT + (1|ID) + (1|SPP), data=dist_int,
                 family = binomial(link="cloglog"))
var <- b3@theta[[1]]^2 # extract the random effect variance from the model output object
var/(var + pi^2/6) # ICC for ID
## [1] 0.1521422
var2 <- b3@theta[[2]]^2 # extract the random effect variance from the model output object
var2/(var2 + pi^2/6) # ICC for SPP
## [1] 0.126801

Data and code for Case Study in the main text

From McCune et al. 2019.

#Latency to solve a door on a puzzle box
jsolv = read.csv("")
jsolv = jsolv[,c(2:6,9)]
colnames(jsolv)[6] = "Time" = coxme(Surv(Time, Solve)~Treatment + (1|ID), data=jsolv)
cox.zph( # fixed effect does not violate the proportional hazards assumption
##           chisq df     p
## Treatment   2.8  1 0.094
## GLOBAL      2.8  1 0.094
coxme_pval(,jsolv,boot = 10000) # takes about 6 minutes to run
## liklihood_ratio_test  bootstrapped_pval_1 
##         5.687028e-08         0.000000e+00
coxme_icc_ci( # adjusted ICC
##     lower       ICC     upper 
## 0.3784428 0.6578112 0.8652368
solv.su2 = coxme(Surv(Time,Solve) ~ 1 + (1|ID), data = jsolv)
coxme_pval(solv.su2,jsolv,boot = 10000) # 6 minutes to run, again; no fixed effect so likelihood ratio test is NA
## liklihood_ratio_test  bootstrapped_pval_1 
##                   NA                    0
coxme_icc_ci(solv.su2) # unadjusted ICC
##     lower       ICC     upper 
## 0.4861004 0.7355558 0.8999777


We conducted a small simulation study to examine whether model estimates are consistent across four different models and implementations: (1) a Cox proportional hazards model with a normal distribution of the random effect using the coxme function from the coxme package, (2) a Cox proportional hazards frailty model with a normal distribution of the random effect using coxph from the survival package, (3) a Cox proportional hazards frailty model with a gamma distribution of the random effect using coxph from the survival package, and (4) a binomial generalized linear mixed-effects model with a clog-log link using the glmer function from the lme4 package. The models (1), (2) and (3) are described in Equation 3 and model (4) is described in Equation 7 in the main text.

Time-to-event data were simulated with a single predictor variable (sex) and a single random effect (i.e. cluster or individual) \(\alpha\), as described in the main text. We considered \(n=1000\) observations and \(n_{cluster}=100\) clusters (i.e. individuals). To evaluate performance of the above models, we simulated different data sets where we varied the magnitude of the random effect variance (\(\sigma^2_\alpha\)) from 1 to 3, the percent of censored data was either 0 or 0.15, and the number of time intervals was either 2 or 4. We ran each model on each data set 1000 times. We excluded results if at least one of the models did not converge or had a convergence warning message.

We present illustrative plots comparing model performance when the random effect variance is set to 1 or 2, censoring = 0.15 and time intervals = 2 or 4. These simulations had the least convergence problems or warnings out of the 1000 iterations.

Examining the model performance within each plot, we found that the beta estimates of the predictor variable (\(\beta_{\text{est}}\)) are identical and relatively unbiased across all models. The variance estimates of the random effect (\(\sigma^2_{f_{\text{est}}}\)) are very similar for the coxme, coxph, and glmm models, while the coxph_gamma model consistently underestimates this variance. Additionally, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) is consistently higher in the glmm model compared to the coxme and coxph models. This aligns with Figure 2 in the main text, which shows that as the variance of the random effect increases, the \(ICC\) value from the GLMM model becomes proportionally larger than the non-parametric value (\(ICC_{np}\)) from the Cox models. Furthermore, comparing performance across plots demonstrates that the number of time intervals in the data (2 or 4) has no effect on the model estimates.

Note that ‘sigma2.f’ refers to the random effect variance.

The simulation study was conducted with R (R Core Team, 2024) and using the computational cluster Katana at UNSW Sydney (UNSW, 2024).


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